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Considerations when scanning

Considerations when scanning Ultrasound scanning is an important service for those breeders wishing to enhance carcase quality through the use of mus ...

Press Release: RamCompare Year 4 Results

Fourth-year results of the RamCompare project reveal how sires with key breeding traits can drive productivity and optimal new sire purchases.

The latest update shows a great spread of rams among the most recent lists of trait leaders. Signet Breeding Manager, Sam Boon, urges breeders to focus on those traits that deliver the greatest profit to their system, and source recorded rams with the right EBVs to deliver them.

RamCompare results

Join AHDB and Samuel Boon and Bridget Lloyd for a webinar to reveal the latest RamCompare project results.

The webinar will:

  • Explain how the EBV’s currently available to ram buyers can influence the carcase attributes of their progeny
  • Demonstrate the financial value of genetic improvement through a series of case studies
  • Launch the latest RamCompare results, which lists the leading sires for each trait
  • Show ram buyers how they can select and source recorded rams

RamCompare - The Countdown has started...

RamCompare results will be released on 13th May

Join Sam and Bridget for a webinar to reveal the latest RamCompare project results.

Sign up here to join us or get a link to watch at a later date -

Rates of Genetic Gain Increasing

Genetic gain has markedly increased in the last 5 years according to a recent review of genetic progress within Signet’s sheep breeding programmes. Major improvement has been observed in each of the breed types recorded through Signet; namely the terminal sires, lowland maternal breeds and hill sheep.

Performance Recording during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

This article provides advice to breeders on recording their stock in the absence of ultrasound scanning data. New services have been developed to help breeders to supply data and promote livestock that are for sale

Update: 20th May 2020 - Scanning to resume for clients within 125 miles of a Signet Technician.

Accessing New Sheep Reports and Stationery

In the last 12 months our online reporting services have been completely updated. This news item has been written to inform Signet clients about over 25 brand new reports and search tools that they can generate in real time from the Signet website.

New Cataloging Service for Sheep Clients

As part of the developments associated with our new webpage "Sheep for Sale", Signet clients can now generate their own sale catalogues. 

New CT Dates Announced

CT provides a welfare friendly way of assessing the total muscle, fat and bone yield in a live sheep. This near perfect predictor of carcase composition can also be used to measure the muscling in different parts of the carcase, such as the rib, loin and gigot. Read more here

Genetics of lamb survival - Webinar 27th March 2020

Dr Forbes Brien is an Associate Professor with the University of Adelaide and an expert on the genetic influences on lamb survival, as well as research for the Australian wool industry on breech strike. He has also spent several years studying the impact of selection for growth and carcase traits upon the fatness of ewes and the resulting impact on their reproductive performance.

A Webinar will take place at 10am on Friday, 27th March to cover these topics.  

Click here to book onto the Webinar