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The role of genetics when selecting for profitability and growth from forage

Assessing a ram’s genetic merit is key when looking to maximise profitability within the flock and accelerate growth from forage

Measuring methane emissions from individual sheep, an update from SRUC.

Results from preliminary trials of the new PACs owned by SRUC support research findings from New Zealand, Ireland and other countries: methane emissions from sheep are feasible to measure on-farm using Portable Accumulation Chambers (PAC) under UK conditions and that there is variability between animals in methane emissions recorded by PACs that could potentially be exploited within breeding programmes.

“Breed for CH4nge” an industry collaboration that will help the industry to breed sheep with a naturally low carbon footprint.

AHDB are delighted to share news of our involvement in “Breed for CH4nge” an industry collaboration that will help the industry to breed sheep with a naturally low carbon footprint. There are a number of exciting elements to the project that align closely to AHDB’s research interests, and the genetic services delivered by Signet. The project will enhance our knowledge of genomics, breeding for parasite resistance and CT scanning, whilst assessing the benefits of using Portable Accumulation Chambers (PAC) to predict methane emissions in grazing sheep.

Economic Expression of Hill Index

Performance recording has been used within hill sheep breeding programmes for many years, but recent developments as part of the Hill Ram Scheme in Wales has led to changes in the expression of the index. From June 2023 the index will be expressed in £ as the expected annual return per ewe.

Genomic breeding values launched and new presentation of the hill index

Signet are proud to announce the release of the UK’s first commercially available genomic breeding values for sheep. The release of genomic breeding values is a major first for the UK industry following research lead by Samir Id Lahoucine at SRUC; work was funded as part of the Hybu Cig Cymru (HCC) lead Hill Ram Scheme and has been implemented as part of Farming Connects Welsh Sheep Genetics Programme.

75% of Hampshire Down sheep entered to the Premier Sale were performance recorded with Signet

The Hampshire Down Premier Sale 2023 in Shrewsbury had a record number of sheep entered from performance recorded flocks, providing buyers with a fantastic opportunity to use EBVs to guide purchasing decisions.

Signet performance recorded sheep were met with strong demand at May Fair

The Rossiter family claimed over champion female with lot 212, Huish Florence sired by an Australian import ram. This was the highest index female within the sale and ranked within the top 5% of the breed for Terminal Sire Index and Maternal Index. This September born ewe lamb then went on to achieve highest price female at the sale, selling for 1200gns to Jeremy Durrant’s Hydes flock.

New breeding values for abattoir traits revealed by AHDB’s Signet Breeding Services

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board is to make new breeding values for abattoir traits an integral part of the National Terminal Sire Evaluation through its Signet Breeding Services, following significant analysis of abattoir data. This new approach coincides with the release of the latest RamCompare results at a webinar on 11 May 2023 (book online).  

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Dorset Centurion Sale at Exeter

Friday 14th April saw the first ram sale of 2023 at Exeter Livestock Centre on behalf of the Centurion Group of Dorset Breeders. An entry of 56 Signet recorded sheep, which sold to buyers from across the UK.

Marketing your genetics

Signets Sheepbreeder and Beefbreeder performance recording service allows breeders and buyers to identify those animals with the best genetics and make informed decisions. While providing breeders with tools to assist with the marketing of stock for sale at home and market sales.