Over the last 8 years AHDB have collected a wealth of abattoir data through RamCompare, with over 50,000 abattoir records supplied for lambs produced as part of this progeny test. For 12 months, breeding values for abattoir traits have been produced as a sub-set of information which has sat alongside existing traits like Scan Weight and Muscle Depth on the Signet website. However, new research by Samir id-Lahoucine at SRUC will now be used to help us make better use of this information.
Days to Slaughter EBV – The most important indicator of growth?
Selecting the most profitable terminal sire
Recording schemes were developed to make the process of identifying superior genetics easier. Records of performance are analysed to tease out the non-genetic influences on an animal’s performance so that its true genetic potential can be assessed. This is important for traits that are visible, such as growth rate and carcase conformation, and vital when it comes to maternal traits that cannot be assessed visually.
Farm Event - Grazing and genetics to capitalise on flock performance from grass
RamCompare Case Study - Dupath Farm
Dupath farm has been part of the RamCompare project since 2017. Ewes are lambed indoors in March before being turned out into grass paddocks as part of a rotational system, lambs are finished from grass from mid-June. In 2023 lambs were sired by Hampshire Down, Shropshire, Suffolk, Meatlinc, Texel and Charollais rams, with a large number of Charollais on test this year. This included recent top-performing genetics compared against sires born over 40 years ago using semen that has been stored for many decades.
RamCompare Year 8 Breed Reports
Latest breed reports from the RamCompare project the UK’s commercial progeny test for terminal sires. To date we have slaughter data included from 468 rams from 17 different breeds, collecting data from over 44,000 lambs in one of the largest trials of its kind.
RamCompare is recruiting new flocks this season
RamCompare is on the look-out for new farms to recruit across England and Wales. The project collects data from birth to slaughter from commercial UK farms. RamCompare host farms provide a minimum of 300 ewes which are mated to performance recorded terminal sires. All flock data is collected using electronic identification (EID) and all commercial lambs are reared as one management group within a fast-finishing system.
RamCompare update for Charollais breeders March 2024
The Charollais breed has always been an early adopter of research and breeders have been extremely supportive of our work. Over 100 different Charollais sires have been tested to date by RamCompare producing over 19,000 Charollais sired lambs.
Shropshire sired lambs evaluated for carcase traits
Over the past four years Shropshire breeders have been involved in RamCompare, the UKs national progeny test. Data from the project demonstrates the role this native breed plays in the commercial sheep sector and predicts a ram’s economic worth to a flock. This information provides a useful insight for commercial buyers to select the right rams to achieve their lamb enterprise objectives.
RamCompare nominations open for 2024
RamCompare nominations are now open and we encourage you to consider putting your rams forward as new natural service rams or sell frozen semen for use in artificial insemination programmes for the 2024 mating season.
Farm Event - Breeding for better carcases and the genomic opportunity
Friday, 24 May 2024, 11:00am - 3:30pm, Sandlands Farm, Frisby on the Wreake, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE14 2NS
At this event, we will introduce the value of genomics (the study of genes) and explain how important it is for future ram breeding decisions. We will help you to understand how to use performance traits to benefit your pedigree flock or your commercial lamb enterprise.