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BSAS article - Implications and fall out from Brexit on Animal Science

Jason Simms sat down with BSAS Vice-President Kim Matthews to discuss the implications and fallout as a result of Brexit on the animal science sector ...

North York Moors Swaledale Project completed

In 2017, a group of 6 North Yorkshire Swaledale breeders, with the help of AHDB Beef & Lamb, Signet Breeding Services and Kate Phillips, set out t ...

The JIGSAW of joint ill

Joint ill is one of the lambing challenges that exorcises both seasoned sheep farmers and vets alike.  Sporadic in nature and caused by different combinations of reasons, it is a frustrating disease that a few people will tell you was particularly bad this year.

If you are a UK sheep farmer, regardless of whether you do or do not experience joint ill outbreaks, please do complete this survey .

Considerations when scanning

Considerations when scanning Ultrasound scanning is an important service for those breeders wishing to enhance carcase quality through the use of mus ...

Cataloging Services for Beef Clients

As part of the developments associated with our new webpage listing cattle for sale, Signet clients can now generate their own sale catalogues. 

Beef Clients Get Access to Carcase Trait EBVs

A new web link on an animal's breeding report, now means beef producers can go directly to the AHDB National Beef Evaluation and see a series of new breeding values. The breeding values were created as part of the Carcase Traits project, which pulls together data from BCMS, Breed Societies and abattoirs to generate EBVs for traits like Carcase Weight, Conformation and Days to Slaughter.

Rates of Genetic Gain Increasing

Genetic gain has markedly increased in the last 5 years according to a recent review of genetic progress within Signet’s sheep breeding programmes. Major improvement has been observed in each of the breed types recorded through Signet; namely the terminal sires, lowland maternal breeds and hill sheep.

Performance Recording during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

This article provides advice to breeders on recording their stock in the absence of ultrasound scanning data. New services have been developed to help breeders to supply data and promote livestock that are for sale

Update: 20th May 2020 - Scanning to resume for clients within 125 miles of a Signet Technician.

Finding beef data online

In the last 12 months our online reporting services for bull buyers and Signet performance recording beef herds have been completely updated.

Simple results, that are available to everyone include

  • Cattle for Sale– lists bulls, cows and semen currently available for sale
  • Latest Breed Results– providing links to the Sire Summary, Promising Young Bull List and the Breed Benchmark

Accessing New Sheep Reports and Stationery

In the last 12 months our online reporting services have been completely updated. This news item has been written to inform Signet clients about over 25 brand new reports and search tools that they can generate in real time from the Signet website.