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Breeding sheep for a greener future

Now only five weeks away we urge you to book your tickets for the 2024 Sheep Breeders Round Table (SBRT) conference, located at the Radisson Blu Hotel East Midlands, Derby. The online ticket platform closes on Sunday 10th November, please book now to secure your reservation.

The Breeding sheep for a greener future SBRT conference will cover a range of sheep breeding topics within the wider role of genetics, the essential building blocks for the future of the UK sheep industry with insight to sustainable solutions and industry resilience using innovation, science and research as well as breeding to meet market demands. 

Speakers with experience from Australia, New Zealand, the Falklands and Ireland join UK industry representatives alongside a host of farmers to share ideas, objectives and challenges from their organisations, research projects and individual on-farm experiences.

Tickets available here -  Sheep Breeders Round Table Event Tickets (

Conference programme:

Friday 15th Nov

Breeding for the environment

Session 1


SBRT Chair opens conference




Kim Matthews, AHDB


Environmental breeding goals for maternal and terminal sheep – an international overview and do we have what we need in the UK

Dr Caeli Richardson, AbacusBio


Big or small rumens? Observations from research projects aimed at breeding for low methane emissions

Dr Nicola Lambe, SRUC


Environmental goals for the Irish sheep industry

Dr Nóirín McHugh, Teagasc & Jaynell Anderson, Sheep Ireland




16.00 – 16.30

Refreshment break


Friday 15th Nov

Breeding sheep in a sheep producing country

Session 2

16.30 – 16.35


Elan Davies, Farming Connect

16.35 – 16.55

Genomic and phenotypic advances in hill and maternal breeding programmes

Janet Roden, Innovis

16.55 – 17.15

Incorporating molecular phenotypes into breeding scheme designs

Suzanne Rowe, Agresearch, New Zealand

17.15 – 17.30

The changing face of genetic improvement in the Welsh hill sheep sector

Tim Tyne, ProHill group founder member

17.30 – 17.45

Observations from the Falkland Islands – breeding and genetics

Josh Brock, ADAS

17.45 – 18.00

Farming Connect: Welsh Anthelmintic Resistance Status project – The findings so far

Menna Williams, Farming Connect

18.00 – 18.15



20.00 – late

Conference dinner

Saturday 16th Nov

Pasture to Plate – delivering sustainable, high-quality lamb to our customers

Session 3

9.00 – 9.05


Tom Dracup, ABP

9.05 – 9.20

Delivering for our customers – Export and halal focus

Rizvan Khalid, Euro Quality Lamb Ltd

9.20 – 9.35

The retail landscape and how breeding can help deliver for consumers

Speaker TBC

9.35 – 9.55

Taking leadership in sustainability: Gamechanger integrated beef and PRISM

Katie Thorley, ABP

9.55 – 10.10

Understanding the value of livestock data

Ian Hewett, Livestock Information Ltd &

Harriet Bunning, AHDB

10.10 – 10.30



10.30 – 11.00

Refreshment break

Saturday 16th Nov

Breeding with a vision

Session 4

11.00 – 11.05


Bruce McConachie, QMS

11.05 – 11.40

The Australian eating quality journey - breeding to improve the consumer eating experience.


Peta Bradley & Daniel Brown, Lambplan, Australia

11.40 – 12.05

Fabulous fibre: how to make wool profitable from white woolled sheep

Frank Langrish, Langrish Farmers

12.05 – 12.30



12.30 – 14.00

Buffet lunch

Saturday 16th Nov

Breeding drivers for the future

Session 5

14.00 – 14.05


Chris Lloyd, Independent

14.05 – 15.25

Expert panel providing insight to various topics

Colin Bateman, Levy Board

Daniel Brown, Lambplan

Joseph Keating, Coop

Rizvan Khalid, Euro Quality

Graham Lofthouse, Farmer

15.25 – 15.30

Closing comments


15.30 – 16.00

Refreshment break

Saturday 16th Nov

A genomic focus on the future for breeding

Session 6

16.00 – 16.05


Mike Coffey, SRUC

16.05 – 16.20

What has dairy learnt from DNA?

Victoria Ashmore, AHDB

16.20 – 16.30

A major gene influencing MV resistance

Racheal Tarlington, Nottingham University

16.35 – 16.50

Adopting genomics

Ed Smith, British Texel Sheep Society

16.50 – 16.55

Genomic update from AHDB

Samuel Boon, AHDB

16.55 – 17.00

Genomic relationships between flocks: how are flocks connected?

Samir Id-Lahoucine, EGENES & Samuel Boon, AHDB

17.05 – 17.10

Transmission ratio distortion on sheep genome: finding the sheep that never existed

Samir Id-Lahoucine, EGENES

17.10 – 17.30

Summary and Q&A


19.00 – late

Drinks reception supported by SRUC followed by conference dinner

20.00 - late

Conference dinner

Sunday 17th Nov

Advances in reproductive technology

Session 7

9.00 – 9.10


Phil Stocker, NSA

9.10 – 9.30

Where next for embryo transfer – progress, developments and consequences

Ian McDougall, Farmgene

9.30 – 9.50

Sexed semen for sheep – a fresh approach

Ben Burton MRCVS, AB Europe

9.50 – 10.10

Using surrogate sires to disseminate high value genetics

Emily Clark, The Roslin Institute

10.10 – 10.30



10.30 – 11.00

Refreshment break

Sunday 17th Nov

Putting the E in GxE: selecting sheep for systems

Session 8

11.00 – 11.10

Introduction - Focus on increasingly common systems in the UK and how commercial farmers are selecting for resilient sheep for their systems, collaborating with similar businesses and adding value

Liz Genever, Independent

11.10 – 11.40

Finding the right sheep for my system which just happens to be a shedder

William Cawley, Farmer

11.40 – 12.10

Performance recording sheep in a high forage system

James Drummond, Farmer

12.10 – 12.30



12.30 – 12.40

SBRT Chair closing remarks


12.40 – 14.00

Buffet lunch – departure afterwards

About the author

Bridget Lloyd

Bridget Lloyd – RamCompare Project Coordinator

After finishing university, Bridget worked on two well-known sheep research projects operating out of Aberystwyth University; the Longwool project and the Welsh Sheep Strategy.

In the year 2000, Bridget took a leading role in Cymru Breeding Services, (later Innovis and now known as AB Europe). Bridget was centre manager specialising in ovine fertility, operating a stud for 100 rams and coordinating four vet teams. She has specialised in ovine fertility and has worked closely with pedigree sheep and their breeders throughout her career.

With an extensive background in the sheep industry she now runs RamCompare. Her main responsibility is to liaise with project farms and abattoirs to ensure the data submitted is accurate and delivered on time, as well as co-ordinating the communication plan and ram nominations....and hundreds of other things.