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Exlana Sale Report - August 2024












Exlana Sale Report - August 2024

The recent Exlana sheep sale saw interest in person and online, with two rams fetching the top price of £2,700 each, and an overall average of £1,163. The sale achieved an impressive 87% clearance rate, reflecting strong demand for this innovative breed, particularly for rams with high index values for maternal traits and parasite resistance values.

The day started with an interesting and informative talk on the Breed for CH4nge project which was presented by Emma Dods from Innovis. Emma explained the project and the metrics required. She explained the collaboration between the breeding groups; Innovis, Sheep Improvement Group (SIG), Performance Recorded Lleyn Breeders (PRLB) and Centurion Group of Dorset sheep breeders. These breeds/breeding groups were used because of their fantastic data sets and recording ability. Tim White was excited about the sheep in the Breed for Change project being genotyped which, in time, will create genomic values.

On to the sale next; high index rams, particularly those with strong maternal and parasite resistance traits were in demand. These breeding lines are integral to the Breed for CH4nge initiative, which aims to create sheep that are not only more productive but also more resilient. This includes selecting for natural resistance to parasites, an increasingly important trait as anthelmintic resistance becomes a widespread concern.

A sub-index, Parasite Plus, plays a crucial role in SIG's breeding strategy, guiding the selection of rams and ewes based on their ability to naturally resist parasitic infections. This index is primarily derived from EBVs for faecal egg count (FEC) and IgA (an immune response measured in the blood), both approaches enable breeders to identify sheep that are more resistant to parasites. Animals with lower FECs, indicating better parasite resistance, are prioritized in breeding decisions. This approach reduces the need for chemical treatments, aligning with sustainable farming practices.

The high prices and strong clearance at the sale underscore the growing recognition of the Exlana breed’s value, particularly those with superior genetic indexes. As the Breed for CH4nge project continues, these sheep are likely to become even more essential to farmers seeking efficiency and sustainability in their operations.

About the author

Stuart Friswell

Stuart Friswell

Stuart is a technician with Signet Breeding Services. Located in Warwickshire, Stuart measures sheep and cattle across the East and South East of England.