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RamCompare results

Scanning for RamCompare at Chawton Park

Join AHDB and Samuel Boon, Animal Breeding Senior Manager (Signet) and Bridget Lloyd, RamCompare Project Coordinator for a webinar to reveal the latest RamCompare project results.

RamCompare is the UK’s commercial progeny test for terminal sire rams. The aim of the RamCompare project is to provide information to pedigree and commercial producers that enables them to realise the genetic potential of performance-recorded terminal sire rams.

Results are showing us how well current Estimated Breeding Values (EBV’s) enhance the performance of traits of economic importance  and the value of using high genetic merit rams in commercial flocks.

Join this webinar if you want to improve your commercial lamb enterprise and are interested in:

  • Reduced days to slaughter
  • Increasing carcase weight
  • Increasing the number of lambs hitting market specification

The webinar will:

  • Explain how the EBV’s currently available to ram buyers can influence the carcase attributes of their progeny
  • Demonstrate the financial value of genetic improvement through a series of case studies
  • Launch the latest RamCompare results, which lists the leading sires for each trait
  • Show ram buyers how they can select and source recorded rams

About the author

Samuel Boon

Samuel Boon

I am the Manager of Signet Breeding Services, within the AHDB.

Enthusiast on all things genetics to do with sheep and cattle and currently also supporting Bridget Lloyd in running the @RamCompare progeny test with ~18,000 lambs/annum.

I am also involved with the:-

  • Relaunch of Terminal Sire Breeding Programmes (Sheep)
  • AHDB lead for the Welsh Sheep Breeding Project run by HCC - working with Innovis, HCC and Janet Roden
  • Database design and development for this website
  • National Sheep Breeds Survey
  • Development of Carcase Trait EBVs in Beef Cattle
  • Formerly involved with the delivery of the Welsh Sheep Strategy, Northern Upland Sheep Strategy, Suckler Cow Project, Highlands and Islands Sheep Strategy

I can be followed on Twitter @SamBoonBreeding