Lot 48 from Messrs K P & A E McCarthy, a ram lamb who earlier placed third in the untrimmed ram lamb class in the pre-sale show sold for 1550 gns. Son of homebred stock ram Ballycreelly 007, lot 48 is CT scanned and has a terminal index of 282 putting him in the top 5% of the breed.
Second highest price went to Mr & Mrs G & J Galbraith with lot 57 selling for 1500gns. With an index of 273, the Graylen ram lamb, sired by homebred Graylen Laird, is top 5% on terminal index. He is also CT scanned, top 1% for growth & gigot muscularity EBVs and was overall HDSBA champion from the national show at the Three Counties Showground a fortnight prior to sale.
Lot 71, a top 25% ram lamb from the Treworthal flock sold for 1000gns having being breed champion at Devon County Show and Royal Cornwall and part of the interbreed winning group of 3 at Devon.
Lot 49, again from the Ballycreelly stable and sired by Ballycreelly 007 sold for 950gns with a top 5% index. He earlier placed first in the performance recorded ram lamb class.
Coming second to lot 49 in the performance recorded ram lamb class was lot 59, a top 5% lamb from the Graylen flock out of their very successful 2018 show ewe. Lot 59 sold for 800gns.
Congratulations must also be passed to Messrs J & J Barnard & McPherson from the Stourfield flock who took overall champion and male champion with their shearling ram in the pre-sale show. Mr & Mrs D Middleditch & Son from the St Paul flock took reserve overall champion and best ram lamb who later sold for 650gns.
Female champion went to lot 30, a ewe lamb from the Ballycreelly flock with a top 25% index sired by Yarcome Flashman.
Sale Summary Statistics
The premier sale showed strong demand for recorded genetics with recorded animals taking a clearance rate 10% higher than those from non-recorded flocks with a 146gn price premium. When looking at top 10% genetics or above this rises to a clearance of 89% and average price of 665gns, this puts the top genetics at a clearance rate 27% higher than their unrecorded counterparts with a 237gn price premium.