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Breeding for Feed Efficiency

The Beef Feed Efficiency Programme (BFEP) launched in 2015 with a major project worth £1.75 million funded by Defra and AHDB Beef and Lamb.

Click HERE to read about the main elements of the project and starting a breeding programme for feed efficiency.

Anybody interested in recording the genetic merit of their cattle for feed efficiency should contact [email protected] or call 0247 647 8824 to investigate the potential options available.

About the author

Samuel Boon

Samuel Boon

I am the Manager of Signet Breeding Services, within the AHDB.

Enthusiast on all things genetics to do with sheep and cattle and currently also supporting Bridget Lloyd in running the @RamCompare progeny test with ~18,000 lambs/annum.

I am also involved with the:-

  • Relaunch of Terminal Sire Breeding Programmes (Sheep)
  • AHDB lead for the Welsh Sheep Breeding Project run by HCC - working with Innovis, HCC and Janet Roden
  • Database design and development for this website
  • National Sheep Breeds Survey
  • Development of Carcase Trait EBVs in Beef Cattle
  • Formerly involved with the delivery of the Welsh Sheep Strategy, Northern Upland Sheep Strategy, Suckler Cow Project, Highlands and Islands Sheep Strategy

I can be followed on Twitter @SamBoonBreeding