Reference Rams
For the first two years of the project a team of rams were used across each farm using AI, to create the genetic linkage required to undertaken an across flock analysis that can handle environmental differences.
In 2017, it was decided to use one sire each year across all of the RamCompare farms.
Reference Ram - 2017 - Texel - PPK1400417 Kimbolton Voyager
Bred by Paul Phillips this ram was purchased in 2015 for Bradley Farm and has been used both years as a natural service ram, in 2017 we decided to use semen retained from him to link all GB flocks through AI. With 140 progeny already on the ground his index was in the top 5% of the breed. Sired by Avon Vale Real Deal a well known ram in the breed with 447 progeny on the ground.
Reference Ram - Mating 2018 - Suffolk - Y68:A20 Drinkstone Distinction
Semen from this Suffolk ram has kindly been donated to RamCompare from the Bridfa Suffolk Breeders Group and was used across eight of our farms in 2018 as a reference sire linking all the flocks together. Originally bred by Arnold Park, this ram born in 2002 already had 462 progeny behind him and maintained a high index keeping him in the top 5% of the breed at the time of selection.
Reference Ram - Mating 2019 - Charollais - 16PE04907 Dalby Ranieri
Semen from Charles Sercombe - it's a good'un