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Chawton Park - Making faster finishing pay

Ian Robertson, Chawton Park, Hampshire

There were major differences in the performance of sires at Chawton Park this year, with the best Hampshire Down and Suffolk rams producing progeny that finished over three weeks ahead of the lower performing rams that were used in this May lambing Lleyn flock.

The top rated ram was a Suffolk from Martyn & Helen Bateman’s Moat flock, achieving the top carcase weight EBV in the flock. When combined with another ram from the same flock and a third Suffolk from James Barker, Lavendon they generated 0.85kg heavier carcase weights compared to lower performing rams.

For carcase conformation, a Texel from Peter Baber and a Southdown from the Rob Beaumont, both of which were highly rated within their own breed for muscling, produced progeny that achieved 95% R grades or better.

Comparing high and low performing sires for each trait
  • Lambs finished 24 days sooner
  • Carcase weights 0.85kg heavier
  • Lambs worth an extra £5.17